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Welcome to!

Want to Change Your Life?

My name is Michelle and visiting today could be the best decision you ever made in your life!
Why did I say that? It’s because life on earth is temporary.
You want to be ready for an eternal life after this earth which is either in heaven or the other place.

I want to help you to get ready for heaven! Life on earth can be a roller coaster for everyone. It’s good to know that you have someone routing for you and wants to help you.

I will share with you all that I know about Jesus, so you can eventually help others as well.

Your Past Doesn’t Matter

Your past is the past. Jesus came to forgive you of all your sins and guilt.

You can start a new life today, so don’t wait. Come just as you are.

So if you are curious to find out about Jesus then you can start here.

new way new life

Who Am I?

Ultimately you can say that I am a sinner who now has found a good life in Jesus.

I’ve been a Pentecostal Christian for several years. I made this blog to help people find a new life in Jesus.

Why Should You Keep Visiting?

If you keep visiting my blog you will find that your life will slowly start to change for the better. It’s not because of me, but because you will be starting a spiritual relationship with God (Jesus).

Instead of just surviving each day, life has more meaning when you know you have a God that is blessing you, protecting you and eventually will see you in another life when this life has ended.

Jesus in heaven

I sometimes imagine how heaven will be like. No worries, no sickness, just pure love.

Love is the basis of Christianity. Jesus loves you. He came to this earth over 2,000 years ago to forgive your sins and to tell you that there is an eternal life waiting for you after this earth.

It is so easy to not believe in Jesus.

It is harder to believe because you can’t physically see what you are believing in. However, I would rather be safe than sorry.

2 ballons with jesus and you

Plus, my emptiness is gone. I feel like Jesus loves me unconditionally and I am free.

I can say that my life has changed for the better. All the answered prayers and miracles have been life changing. Especially in those desperate moments when I needed Jesus the most.

who is jesus

I will try to put up a new article as often as I can. The absolute minimum will be once a month, but I will try to post more than that.

You will find some goodies in the freebie section of this blog. I’m just starting so I will try to keep adding to it.

I hope you will join me on this wonderful spiritual journey that will truly change your life.

God Bless you,


new life chapter one

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How Can I help you?

Every month I will be trying to add more items. So keep coming back.

Are you thinking about changing your life? You can start here.

Want to ask me a question? You can e-mail me here.